Παρασκευή 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

The Generation of Hate

Every day I see a thousand new examples of hate. And scattered around those examples are the (seemingly) less popular examples of love and understanding.

It's not even necessarily about what you look like anymore. It's not even about what you say, or how you think or act, or what you do in your free time. In this generation, you could be anybody, anywhere, doing anything, and still be the victim of random and undeserving hate.

Allow me to explain further.

If Gandhi somehow rose from the dead and made his way into this world, he would be hated on just because he was bald, or he was too skinny, or because his thoughts were different from some of the other brainless people on Earth. It wouldn't matter that he was a peacemaker that fought for India's independence. It wouldn't even matter that he inspires so many people to this day. He was one of the most influential non-violent protesters in history, and he would be hated on by today's generation.

It's sickening almost to the point where I just want to scream at everyone that speaks a negative sentence.

So I'm proposing something, for the better of this world, and for the good of this generation. From what I can tell, this generation is going to be put through a lot of difficult times. The world is at a point where we must make changes, or destroy everything.

The changes we need to make are many, and it starts with our attitudes towards other people. I seriously lose sleep at night because I think about these things. People are so quick to judge, so quick to misunderstand, and so quick to speak hateful words.

Am I the only person that remembers learning The Golden Rule in elementary school?

"Do unto others as you would want them to do to you."

Treat others as you want to be treated. We are all born with a desire to be loved. If you want to receive love, you won't do so by treating others badly.

It's really that easy. If you feel the same way that I do, share this with your friends. Maybe one day the negative people will join our side.

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